
Code of Conduct
1) Be respectful! Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.
2) The USS Legacy sim is rated 2-2-2. This means that the sim may contain frequent use of offensive language (cursing); it may contain graphic description of violence, but may not contain description of extreme violence, injuries, acts of mutilation or of sadism to such level they may cause shock or offense to the average adult reader; and it may contain reference to specific sexual acts, but may not contain descriptions of the acts being performed. However, in extremely rare circumstances, and mostly at the GM's discretion, this rating may be exceeded when plot demands it. If you are concerned something may cross the line, contact the evil GM immediately!
3) Enjoy yourself and have fun! If not, I will send gremlins to torture your character!

1) Communication is key. Please talk to the Evil GM if you have any problems or need to be away from the game. We understand Real Life comes first but let us know. We can make arrangements that work for everyone.
2) Ideally, players are to post once a week, though we understand life sometimes gets in the way. Exceptions will be made for big joint posts, though players should reply to TAGs promptly, ideally within twenty four hours.
3) Please keep in line with the format of the game, making sure to put a title, time stamp, and location in the appropriate places in posts.
4) Don't be scared to talk to the Evil GM if you are having trouble coming up with ideas for posts, or if something is bothering you about the game. Though, evil, the Evil GM will help you as best as he can.
5) If a writer hasn't logged into the site for a period of one month and has failed to answer any communication sent to them by the Evil GM, that person will be removed from the game.

1) Players own their own characters and NPCs.
2) NEVER write for someone else's character unless you have received permission from them.
3) If you want to create an NPC, make sure to ask the Evil GM first to make sure he is okay with it.

Timeline Format

With luck, I will have applied a plugin to the Dryad Wood's Nova that sorts our posts by timeline so that we can see them in chronological order as they happen instead of as they were posted.

In order for this plugin to work, ALL posts have to use the same format for the timeline.